Here you find a relevant list of all the latest Scientific and Research and Development jobs in the United Arab Emirates, based upon scientific papers and scientific studies, going from geology, astronomy, mathematics, statistics, medicals, history, etc. You can expect R&D jobs like; scientists, specialists, researchers, geoscientists, scientific experts, product developers, innovation consultants, geologists, volcanologists, ...
These jobs show more details and you can apply for the selected jobs with the application details in or around the job description.
The OECD describes Research and Development as creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the level of knowledge. This can be the knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications. Mostly it is based on sciences and used to develop products or services that are useful for governmental and corporate activities.
These are some words that will be useful to find what you look for:
Jobs, Science, Research, Development, Employment, Career, UAE, R&D, Innovation, Scientific, Knowledge, Sciences, Geology